The knee is the most complex and largest joint in the human body.

- tendon;
- bone;
- cartilage;
- Ligaments and muscles.
Causes of knee pain



degenerative diseases

autoimmune disease
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Steroids;
- antirheumatic drugs and biologics;
- Painkillers etc.
Salt deposits in joints
infection process
What not to do when your knee hurts?

- Avoid knee injuries;
- Avoid foods that cause weight gain (fried and fatty foods, sweets, high-salt foods, potatoes, sweetened carbonated drinks, fast food);
- Avoid any excessive physical activity associated with exercise;
- If your knees hurt and you do not know how to cope with this discomfort, as the reviews indicate, it is better to give up addiction (excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks and smoking);
- Avoid wearing tight shoes and avoid high heels;
- Minimize the likelihood of stressful situations;
- Ensure healthy and adequate sleep;
- Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time.
When do you need to see a doctor?
- Your knee hurts so much that you don’t know what to do, what to do;
- Pain syndrome of increased intensity that does not go away within a few days;
- Swelling, redness, and warmth in the joint area;
- Increased body temperature;
- Decreased motor activity, bruising.
Treat knee pain
using drugs

- NSAIDs.Since elimination of inflammatory processes and pain is a key task in knee discomfort, doctors mainly recommend the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For this, they resort to the help of special pills and ointments. If the pain becomes painful, the patient will receive an intramuscular injection. If you have a slight pain in the knee, in this case, when asked: "What should I do? ", any doctor will recommend you to use ointments. Typically, when a knee joint is injured, products containing glycosaminoglycans are used. In turn, to reduce swelling, they use dimethyl sulfoxide for compression;
- Chondroprotectant.Whether your knee was injured after running or after a long walk, or in the context of another medical condition, only an experienced doctor can advise on exactly what to do. However, it is generally recommended that all patients take medications containing chondroitin and glucosamine for pain relief. Thanks to their use, it is possible to accelerate the repair process of cartilage tissue, prevent oxidative stress and ensure the growth of healthy cartilage cells. In addition, chondroprotectants help speed recovery after injury, minimize the potential for serious consequences, and cause few side effects. At the same time, experts recommend taking complexes with a high content of minerals and vitamins;
- Antispasmodics and vasodilators.They help improve tissue supply and also help restore connective tissue and eliminate swelling. In the case of a chronic pathological process, for example, if you have knee pain for a whole year and the discomfort returns again and you do not know what to do, additional antimicrobial treatments and immunobiological drugs may be necessary.
physical therapy procedures

- The impact of magnetic fields on the human body;
- Laser Treatment;
- Exposure to electrical current in conjunction with drug administration;
- UHF;
- Application of Galvanic Current;
- Use healing mud;
- The therapeutic effects of ultrasound;
- massage therapy;
- paraffin therapy;
- amplified pulse therapy;
- medicinal leech treatment;
- acupuncture;
- cold treatment;
- Dynamic therapy and other similar procedures.
UVT treats knee pain

- Improve blood flow;
- development of new blood vessels;
- Improve metabolism.

Whether puncture is required
Exercise therapy for knee pain

- The patient assumes a "lying" position and extends the legs forward. Next, he performed alternating flexion and extension of the fingers of the lower limbs;
- When in the "lying" position, you need to straighten your legs. Thereafter, the patient turns his feet in different directions in an attempt to bring them closer to the floor;
- In the "lying" position, with the legs straight, the patient should try to extend the toes toward the knee joint;
- The patient takes the "lying" position. Then he put his hands under his knees and tried to slowly bend the limb. In this case, the knees must be lifted smoothly toward the chest;
- When in the "lying" position, the legs need to make movements similar to riding a bicycle.
- The elimination of infectious processes and conditions after knee injuries should be carried out under the supervision of specialized experts;
- Chronic or hereditary pathological processes must be eliminated (gout, diabetes, tonsillitis);
- Maintain a normal weight by eliminating sweet, salty and greasy foods as well as alcoholic beverages from your diet;
- engage in moderate exercise;
- Take chondroprotectants and get checked by a specialist once a year;
- Follow the rules for healthy sleep;
- Drink about 2-3 liters of still water every day;
- Eliminate any possibility of hypothermia;
- Wear only comfortable shoes and clothing;
- Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time.